Wednesday, June 07, 2006

A Thousand Rainbows

So lately I've been having the most productive week of my professional life. I walk the corridors of this little church and it feels full of life and vitality. People are serving, children are learning, we are brimming with life. This is the gift to the church, Vacation Bible School. My church hasn't done a VBS program in over ten years, and now we have rooms filled with children learning and hearing the message. Everyone says it is a success. Children are telling thier friends, and all of a sudden I know we'll be alright.

The children have started making thier own VBS posters each day and bringing them in, today, a young girl brought in a poster that reduces me to tears it is so beautiful...

it has a rainbow on it and reads, "My love for Jesus is bigger than a 1000 rainbows."

Tonite we had a banquet, our church was happy, tired and filled with joy to be together. It felt like family, comfortable, and loving. Even husbands and folks who never come to church were having a good time.

This Sunday is VBS celebration...I'm hoping that our church will be filled with life and vitality still. I pray that it will continue as we stumble to our feet and start to again run the race that has been set out for us.

Pray for us as we try to create sustainable ministries to continue our growth. Pray for us in the changes that are likely to come now that the ball is rolling... God has done alot in our church... he loves for us is bigger than a billion rainbows.

1 comment:

John David Walt said...

michaelangelo-- this is so inspiring--- bigger than a thousand rainbows. . . . profound. i am encouraged by this blog post. keep keeping us posted.