Friday, April 22, 2005

Wisdom from The Muppets

The other day my roommate James let me listen to his "The Muppet Show Album." (I recommend you buy it.) The last song on the album, from the movie Muppets in Space, is called I'm Going to go Back There Someday and contains one of the most profound statements I've ever heard:

"There's not a word yet, for old friends who've just met..." -- Gonzo
So incredibly true I think. In fact, it led me to the conclusion that The Muppets, much like life... are all about friendship. Seminary in many ways has been nothing more and nothing less than connecting me to friendships, and teaching me how to trust in those friendships.
Recently, I made a new friend who I feel like I've known all my life, and somehow, I don't have word to describe the friendship. This is a very annoying thing to a poet.

1 comment:

John David Walt said...

There's not a word yet for old friends who just met. . . . . really a nice idea Michaelangelo. old friends who just met. . . . . i keep turning that over in my mind. there's really not a word is there yet there is definitely such a thing. this is the friend of your soul.