Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I Think My God Beautiful

Brushstroke on canvas
Sound Blessing Air
Light Sings Voices Shine
Trembling Leaves
Dancing Roots
Curve, Line, and Color
Sound, Smell, Taste, and Wonder

Wander Aloud Over Syllables Apples
Stone Sour Sweet Tonalities
Soul Light Awe Going Graces

The purpose of my living - Beauty


John David Walt said...

like this michaelangelo--- is this poem about the tree you referenced painting in the last post. i felt like it was. love the syllables apples thing. the whole thing has both movement and stillness simultaneously in a way like only teh animation of the Spirit is capable.

keep it flowing.

Matt Purmort said...

Michael, thanks for looking at my blog, right now I am using my first class address still, I need to get a new one:) Like your blog as well, keep up the good and creative work!! Matt