So a recent thought came to me... Look at this text from Genesis 2:19
Now the LORD God had formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name.
Creation was brand new and the first thing God asked of Adam, was to delightfully use his creativity. I imagine it in my mind like this. As God show adam everything in the garden he seems to say:
"Conceive Adam, imagine, what is it's name? Tell me what it makes you think of? What symbol, what prescence does it have? Dream Adam, what is it's name."
The birth of humanity is quickly followed by the birth of imagination and creative thought. the song that brought forth stars was still ringing in the universe when God turns to Adam and asks him to imagine. More than that, Adams creative power was sancitifed by God in that, whatever he imagined it would be called, that was it's name.
Now it is up to parents to name their children. The creative capacity continues not just at birth but throughout a child's life as it is up to parents to write upon their children their identity. Parents who take this role seriously dream and write hope into their children. Others fail in doing this and write depair into their lives.
What would we have been had we not fallen? Where would our imagination have taken us? Where would our children be, if we say them with undimmed eyes, and had the capacity to write hope perfectly into their lives?
love this idea michaelangelo-- it never occurred to me before. Creator creates creation and then issues creativity license. Creativity is Divinely sanctioned-- commissioned if you will. and the connection to parenting-- how do parents give creative license to their children? we so easily resort to the control paradigm. and this is what happened in the garden--- they chose control instead of creativity and what they wound up with was chaos that was worse than before the beginning. right? stay with this idea. push it.
"be free in haiku"
borrowed words from jd walt
arranged by jeana
Chosen control of
chaos defeats the power
of creation's song
Creator creates
creation,then commissions
creative license
break free from control
set loose creativity
let the captive sing
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