Thursday, May 18, 2006

I hate excercise...

So check out this link...

This link reminds me that I am not alone. I am not the only person who hates the stationary bicycle. I am not the only soul who cannot abide the dumbell. My Weight Watchers leader is so good at reminding us to find an excercise that we enjoy. I haven't found one yet.

So I am asking advice. What is fun for all my six or seven readers? (If I'm lucky). Reminding you that I will never play golf and don't look good in a swimsuit what would all of you recommend?


Peter said...

I have two ideas:

1. An exercise bike. Riding is in and of itself boring, but you can put it in front of a T.V. and watch DVD's, GMA or Lost.

2. Walking. I have bemoaning myh need for exercise this week and concluded I need to walk. Good for me and I can use it as quiet-time.

Exercise only works for me when I can get something else done at the same time. Otherwise it is an absolute bore.

Kimberly said...

Hey, Michael! I agree with Peter...walking a treadmill while watching a funny movie is great! Though I would recommend using old favorites so you aren't tempted to slow down in order to concentrate on unfamiliar dialogue. And walking outside on a quiet morning does wonders for the soul!